Chris Hemsworth exercise

Chris Hemsworth Thor workout

We all know who Chris Hemsworth is and how he looks now. Chris in generally likes to keep in shape, but to become Thor, the God of lightning, he had to implement some killer regimen (with exercise along with his diet) to get that bad ass bulky look. As Thor, is practically all the time sleeveless, the main focus was on his arms, shoulders and back to fill that costume and not looking small in it. To get his 20 to 25 pounds of muscle in 6 months he alternated his workout between lighter, resistance fitness to stay agile and bodybuilding with heavy weightlifting for size.

His personal trainer Luke Zocchi has told that Chis trained 6 days a week and not more than an hour per day, but that was one brutal hour. Chris is a perfect model about consistency, dedication and intensity.

Obviously if you strive to have body like Chris you will have to work for it. Is it possible? YES. Will you get there? IT IS UP TO YOU.

You have 24 hours per day. If you sleep for 8 hours you have 16 hours left and if you work for another 8 hours that means you still have 8 hours left. One hour of that remaining 8 hours represent 12,5% of your free time. It that a lot? NO. So get to work.  

Here is Chris Hemsworth workout plan. But don’t forget on your nutrition otherwise all your effort will be vain.

On day 6, Chris focused on functional or CrossFit training to ensure his body is strong and agile.

And remember, it will not get easier, you will get stronger and fit!

Photo by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY

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